When used on properties declared within a subclass of Presentation<T>
specifies that the property should be included in the final JSON presentation.
Perform a standard clone using serialization (see cloneBySerialization)
Clone the value by serializing it to JSON and back.
Return the first value that is not undefined of the passed parameters.
Deeply clone the given value. If the value is an object, all subobjects are deeply cloned as well.
Intercept all console messages emitted within the given function and format them using the given formatter before printing them.
Get the names of the parameters of the given function.
Intercept all console messages emitted within the given function and indent them with the given number of spaces before printing them out.
Intercept console messages emitted within the given function, allowing you to programmatically call the underlying raw console implementation (or not).
Return an observable that fires at regular intervals as long as it has subscribers. To stop the interval, remove all subscribers.
Utility for creating a subject observable which can run arbitrary code when the first subscribe() happens and when the last unsubscribe() happens.
Prepare an object for serialization by removing any fields which are undefined or functions and return the result. The operation is recursive across all subobjects. The original object is not modified.
Perform a shallow clone of the object, producing one that has the same constructor chain and prototype as the passed object.
Wait a specified amount of time before resolving.
Generated using TypeDoc
Provides methods for colorizing strings