Used to decorate a class which represents a REST service. Such a class is both an Alterior module and an Alterior controller, meaning it can both act as the entry module of an Alterior application as well as define REST routes using the @alterior/web-server @Get()/@Post()/etc decorators.
Apply to a parameter to indicate that it represents the body of the request.
Apply to a parameter to indicate that it represents a path parameter (ie 'thing' in /hello/:thing)
Apply to a parameter to indicate that it represents a query parameter (ie foo in /bar?foo=1)
Apply to a parameter to indicate that it represents a session parameter (ie foo in /bar?foo=1)
Apply to a parameter to indicate that it represents a session parameter (ie foo in /bar?foo=1)
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Mark a class as representing an Alterior controller.
The route path prefix that all routes within this controller will fall within.